Fellowship Church is a small congregation with a large calling. For over 75 years we have stood as a prophetic voice for justice and a guiding light on the spiritual path. Bringing people together across the lines of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, class, and sexual orientation, Fellowship Church has been the laboratory demonstrating Howard Thurman’s ideals of Common Ground.
In these times of deep turmoil and separation, the voice and vision of The Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples are more necessary than ever. However, to truly make a difference we need your support – of all kinds. We appreciate your financial contributions, bequests, prayers, in‐kind donations, time, talent and participation.
If you’d like to make a tax deductible contribution to “The Fellowship,” begin giving today, click the “donate” button below and follow the instructions.
If you would like to consider a car donation or a bequest, please call
our office or send an email to
To give by mail, send checks made out to “Fellowship Church” to:
2041 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA