Sunday, August 16, 2020The Church for the Fellowship of All PeoplesAug 13, 20201 min readWe hope you can make it Sunday, August 16, 2020 at 10:30 AM, until 11:45 AM on Zoom to discuss Jack Jenkin’s book, American Prophets, Chapters 4 through 7.A summary of each chapter can be download from this site.CHAPTER-4-SUMMARY-AMERICAN-PROPHETS-BY-JACK-JENKINS DownloadCHAPTER-5-SUMMARY-AMERICAN-PROPHETS-BY-JACK-JENKINS DownloadCHAPTER-6-SUMMARY-AMERICAN-PROPHETS-BY-JACK-JENKINS DownloadCHAPTER-7-SUMMARY-AMERICAN-PROPHETS-BY-JACK-JENKINS Download
We hope you can make it Sunday, August 16, 2020 at 10:30 AM, until 11:45 AM on Zoom to discuss Jack Jenkin’s book, American Prophets, Chapters 4 through 7.A summary of each chapter can be download from this site.CHAPTER-4-SUMMARY-AMERICAN-PROPHETS-BY-JACK-JENKINS DownloadCHAPTER-5-SUMMARY-AMERICAN-PROPHETS-BY-JACK-JENKINS DownloadCHAPTER-6-SUMMARY-AMERICAN-PROPHETS-BY-JACK-JENKINS DownloadCHAPTER-7-SUMMARY-AMERICAN-PROPHETS-BY-JACK-JENKINS Download