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Sunday August 28, 2022 10:30am - Thurman's Audio Sermons of Jesus and the Disinherited

Updated: Aug 21, 2022

Dear Engaged Spirituality Family,

Please join us for Engaged Spirituality on Sunday August 28 at 10:30 AM as we begin our discussion on Hypocrisy/Deception from Howard Thurman’s 1959 sermons on Jesus and the Disinherited. Here are the links to the recordings:

Below is the ZOOM connection.

Attached are the abridged transcripts for Sermon 8 and 9 - in Word and PDF versions.

Here are the discussion topics:

1. “When deception serves as a device for guaranteeing the life (of the) oppressed by a power that they cannot meet on equal terms, does the immorality that is inherent in deception disappear? Where you draw the line is how you define what is at stake for you (3 alternatives):

a. The guaranteeing or the perpetuation of your physical existence – not to be killed.

b. Your Integrity

c. What does God require?

In the 1949 text: (52) Thurman speaks of other alternatives:

a. To accept the apparent fact that one’s situation being what it is there is no sensible choice (but deception).

b. (To deceive in order) (57) not be killed.

c. Complete and devastating sincerity

2. Is there a way by which (one) discovers that even death is a little thing and some things in life that may be worse than death?

3. When Jesus moved into the city riding in triumph (Palm Sunday) suppose he had gotten off the donkey and said, “Wait – Correction, please! What you are talking about and what I mean is a very different thing. Why didn’t he do it?”

4. The discovery of the difference between your idea of the truth as a child and as an adult

5. “Deception as a technique, it seems to be rooted in life’s experience with itself. It is rooted in nature,”

6. ‘When a word must be spoken to further a good cause and those who it behooves to speak remain silent anybody ought to raise his voice and break a silence which may fraught with evil.

7. If you were trapped and upon your word, your answer, turned whether not only you but also your family would live beyond that moment, what would you say? What would Howard Thurman say are the moral implications?

8. How does deception used to smuggle Jews out of occupied Europe or other similar situations fit here?

9. A discussion on this sermon that you would like to have?

Hope you can join us!

Take care,


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