Dear Engaged Spirituality Family,
(Important Note: The recordings on Boston University Howard Thurman Listening Room Website are not accessible. I am currently waiting for a response from them. However, you will find all you need for this next discussion in the attached Discussion Guide for Fear – Part 2. Please read it before we meet. Thank you!)
Please join us for Engaged Spirituality on SUNDAY July 24 at 10:30 AM as we discuss Part 2 of “Fear” from Howard Thurman’s sermons on Jesus and the Disinherited. Here is an outline for that discussion:
1. The Fear that “Warps and Distorts and Diseases the Soul” of the Disinherited.
2. Thurman’s/Jesus’ Response to the “Fear that Diseases the Soul” of the Disinherited.
3. “The Fear of God – the Fear of Man - Which Shall It Be?”
4. The Effects of Fear on the Organism and the Antidote.
5. Other Ways the Disinherited Can Reduce their Fear, So that Their “Lives May be Lived with Some Measureof Meaning and Dignity.”
6. “To Make this Gospel Only Available to Someone Who Must First Confirm to Some Dogma Does Violence to the Insistence that Is Inherent in the Religion of Jesus.”
7. Other thoughts that you many have on “Fear as a Hound of Hell” of the disinherited?
Here is the Zoom Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 879 7459 0341
Passcode: 528351
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Meeting ID: 879 7459 0341
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Hope you can join us on SUNDAY July 24.
Attached are the discussion notes for Fear - Part 2
Take care,